Unboxing | BMD Air Assault Battalion LIVE unboxing - and more! | Red Dawn - WWIII: Team Yankee

My Red Dawn order from Blitz & Peaces in Singapore arrived today. Join me as I unbox what arrived - including the Red Dawn sourcebook and the BMD Air Assault Battalion starter box set. I haven’t done a live unboxing before. Join me as I unpack what arrived - plus I’m going to bust open the BMD Battalion box set and take a closer look at the new plastic BMD and T-64BV kits. This is just a sneak peek. Full reviews to follow... If you are enjoying Fog of War videos, please subscribe to the youtube channel and like my videos so I know people are watching them. Our Facebook page is Any comments and episode suggestions are welcome. Disclaimer: The review products for this video were purchased by the reviewer from a local/online retailer. Useful Resources Blitzminis – Tabletop Wargaming Online & Retail Store in Singapore Blitzminis - WWIII: Team Yankee Russia World War III: Team Yankee Shock Assault starter set [Chinese] World War III: Red Dawn Pre-orders Chapters: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:00:51 - 2S6 Tunguska AA Platoon 0:01:40 - ASU-85 Assault Gun 0:02:20 - 2S9 NONA-S SP Mortar Battery 0:02:52 - BTR-D Platoon 0:04:32 - Red Dawn sourcebook 0:06:10 - BMD Air Assault Battalion 0:09:34 - BMD Air Assault Battalion unboxing 0:10:19 - VDV Air Assault Platoon figures 0:11:05 - Golden W Objective Marker 0:11:38 - BTR-ZD AA Platoon 0:12:19 - Alternative Command Team & Mi-24 Hind Helicopter 0:13:12 - T-64BV upgrade sprue 0:13:55 - BMD-1/2 sprue 0:16:14 - Team Yankee mini rulebook 0:16:14 - Red Dawn Unit Cards 0:18:45 - Red Dawn VDV Decals 0:19:55 - Start Here Guide 0:20:56 - What’s Next? 0:21:40 - Wrap-up Tags Team Yankee, world war III, cold war, world war III, cold war, game, gaming, wargaming, tabletop wargame, historical gaming, tabletop miniatures, miniature wargame, 15mm, 1/100, 1:100, 1/100 scale, plastic kit, plastic model kit, plastic wargame miniature, scale model, tank, model tank, armour, armor, Battlefront, Battlefront plastic, BMD Battalion, BMD Air Assault, BMD, BTR-D, VDV, ASU-85, NONA-S,
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