Paint a Retro Chaos Dwarf like it’s ’93! | Warhammer | Duncan Rhodes

The Chaos Dwarves were a fun faction for Warhammer Fantasy by Games Workshop and with the imminent release of the new Chaos Dwarves DLC for Warhammer Total War 3 about to be released, we thought it would be really fun to paint up an old Chaos Dwarf Citadel model in the style of the day. Yup, that means the ’Red Era’ and of course, Goblin Green Bases! Join the Academy here: Instagram: Facebook: Paint List: Standard Grey Spray (Colour Forge) Evil Sunz Scarlet (Citadel) Carroburg Crimson (Citadel) Lahmian Medium (Citadel) Death Reaper (Citadel) Amethyst Rayne (TTC) Sir Coates Silver (TTC) Oblivion Black (TTC) Bestigor Flesh (Citadel) Skrag Brown (Citadel) Skeleton Legion (TTC) Battle Mud Wash (TTC) Ungor Flesh (Citadel) Vampire Fang (TTC) Orange Flare (TTC) Dungeon Stone Grey (TTC) Carcharadon Grey
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