Franco Columbu: The First Under 200lbs Mr. Olympia

Franco Columbu became the first ever Mr. Olympia winner to win the under 200lbs division and also win the overall in 1976. He was also a powerlifter, strongman, boxing champion, Mr. World, Mr. Universe, Mr. Europe, and 2x Mr. Olmypia. [id15239160|*Interact] with me on social media* -Instagram- @NicksStrengthPower -Facebook- @OfficialNickMiller -Twitter-@Dank_Nick -Website v v v v v REDCON1 10% OFF CODE: NICK10 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ [id39074677|*Discount] Codes* -Body Analyzer 1 Scale Discount Link- Use code “NickFit“ for 60% off Body Analyzer -Tare Kitchen Scale Use code “power50“ for 50% off Food Scale -AWESOME Bodybuilding style weight plate necklace- Use Code- NICK10 for 10% off the Necklace
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