Rock Out And Learn About The Alphabet | Alphabet Song for Kids | Phonics & ABC Song | Jack Hartmann

Rock Out and Learn About the Alphabet teaches alphabet recognition and letter sound recognition. In this alphabet song, I name the uppercase letters, the lowercase letters and then the upper and lowercase letters together. For learning letter sounds I show each letter and then repeat the letter sound association three times. Rock out and have fun learning about the alphabet! Lyrics: Rock Out And Learn About the Alphabet Rock out and learn about the alphabet Rock out and learn about the alphabet Move and groove and do my best Rock out and learn about the alphabet Use my brain and body and reach up high I’m ready, excited to read and write! Look and learn the uppercase letters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Look and learn the lowercase letters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Here are the upper and lowercase letters Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Rock out and learn about the alphabet Rock out and learn about the alphabet Move and groove and do my best Rock out and learn about the alphabet Now say the letters and their sounds a /a/ /a/ /a/ b /b/ /b/ /b/ c /c/ /c/ /c/ d /d/ /d/ /d/ e /e/ /e/ /e/ f /f/ /f/ /f/ g /g/ /g/ /g/ h /h/ /h/ /h/ i /i/ /i/ /i/ j /j/ /j/ /j/ k /k/ /k/ /k/ l /l/ /l/ /l/ m /m/ /m/ /m/ n /n/ /n/ /n/ o /o/ /o/ /o/ p /p/ /p/ /p/ q /q/ /q/ /q/ r /r/ /r/ /r/ s /s/ /s/ /s/ t /t/ /t/ /t/ u /u/ /u/ /u/ v /v/ /v/ /v/ w /w/ /w/ /w/ x /x/ /x/ /x/ y /y/ /y/ /y/ z /z/ /z/ /z/ Rock out and learn about the alphabet Rock out and learn about the alphabet Move and groove and do my best Rock out and learn about the alphabet Jack Hartmann’s website: Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: Pinterest: Twitter: Google : You can find Jack Hartmann’s Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: iTunes: Amazon Mp3: =ntt_srch_drd_B00423GXF2?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Jack Hartmann&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Google Play: CD Baby:
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