MLP Sings “All I Ask of You“ Animatic [Phantom of the Opera] 5/6
Fearful of the Phantom and his temper, Fluttershy escapes to the roof of the theater and is followed by her long lost childhood companion and friend Bubble Berry (aka Male Pinkie Pie). Bubble Berry reassures her that the phantom is nowhere near and cannot hurt her so long as he is there to protect her. The duo confess their love for each other amidst a soft snowfall. Unbeknownst to the lovers, however, the phantom is nearby and watching. His heart breaks to see Fluttershy with another stallion as he himself is in love with her. His sobs turn to anger as he plots to take his revenge on them.
This Ink Potts style animatic was created by the amazingly talented Theatroid, who was gracious enough to allow me to cover the song! Be sure to follow them and take a look at their videos!
Performed by Me (Magpiepony) as Fluttershy
Performed by Pitch as Male Pinkie Pie (Aka Bubble Berry) and The Phantom (aka Dusk Shine, or the male Twilig