The End Of King Sombra - MLP FiM Short

HEADPHONES RECOMMENDED The shadow king takes one last fall. This was a little project that spawned in my head when King Sombra was defeated once and for all in the show. It made me remember the Sombra from the comics and how much more of a happy ending he got. So the idea was to take some elements from Sombra’s story in the comics and fuse it with the Sombra in the show. For it to be my last big video of 2019 and the fact that MLP FIM ended this year is just something that felt right to do. MLP was the thing that catapulted my freelancing career over the internet and it’s what this channel was originally made to upload about. I have great love for this show, so I wanted to say a proper goodbye in my own little way. The AMAZING Edward James provided his voice talents for King Sombra: MY SOCIAL MEDIA: Tumblr: Deviantart: http:
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