PrinceWhateverer - DASH DASH RAINBOW (IMO Andy V.)

Kept you waiting, huh? COME READ THE STUFF!! 🔻 === S T U F F === 🔻 This one’s got a bit of a somber attachment to it as you can probably tell. Losing Andy is a blow to not only the fandom but the world in general. I’ve never met anyone who lived up to the Rainbow Dash moniker like he did. I’ll drop his channel blow for those interested. But yeah, he wouldn’t want us moping around! So! This song is a celebration of him and the everyone’s favourite pegapop!! Total antithesis to the last song I released lmao There were numerous things that have contributed to this releasing late (and still missing some polish that it would’ve had if we had more time ;;) but I hope you like it anyhow! 🔽 === D O W N L O A D S === 🔽 Andy’s funeral fund: share-sheet&ut
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