Rod Stewart fulfils promise to NHS hospital after making TV pledge

Sir Rod Stewart said he wanted to “prove I’m not all mouth and trousers” as he visited his local NHS hospital where he paid for a day of scans for patients to help cut waiting lists. Arriving in a white Rolls-Royce on a drizzly February day, the 78-year-old star said “hi everyone” as he climbed from the car outside Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex. The singer-songwriter last month called a live phone-in segment on Sky News and offered to pay for people to have hospital scans, having just returned from one himself. For more news visit Independent TV: Click here to subscribe to The Independent: About The Independent: Making Change Happen. The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Connect with The Independent: Check out our full video catalog:
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