Greetings, Survivors!
Update just went live on all platforms!
Our primary focus this time around was on the themes of accessibility and crafting. If you’re interested in seeing a full list of the update’s additions, changes, and fixes, then head on over to our official forums (PC, Consoles).
One of the key parts of update is the addition of new sensitivity settings, which offer players the ability to adjust the sensitivity of their controls in different scenarios such as aiming, moving, and steering. Another important part of the update is the revised existing control scheme for controllers, the addition of an alternative control scheme, and a large bug-fixing pass on a variety of control-related issues. The alternative scheme gives us room to adjust the controls without affecting the existing scheme in a major way and enables us to resolve some long-standing issues with the existing scheme. We will be processing feedback from the stable branch of and possibly adjusting the alternative contr