Use Beeswax To Artificially Build The Honeycomb Base Via A Pressing Tool Device !

In the Video, people is using Beeswax to Build a base Via a tool, then Bees will Build a Honeycomb themselves on that foundation !That is the artificial beekeeping technique ! In Short, Help Bees Build a house base ! Beeswax : Something to build a beehive Beeswax is the wax secreted by four pairs of wax glands in the abdomen of bees (workers). Bees secrete liquid wax from wax glands and wax scales are white, opaque and irregularly pentagonal. 1kg of beeswax contains about 4 million wax scales. Bees need 50 wax scales to build a worker house, and 120 wax scales to build a drone house. Strong colonies can produce 2kg or more of wax scales in a spring or summer season to build nests. Beeswax is solid at room temperature and has a special flavor of honey and powder. The color is light yellow, medium yellow or dark brown and white. The cross section is the crystal shape of small particles. Chewing sticky teeth, chewing white, no grease taste. The specific gravity is ,
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