The Robes and Coronets of the Nobility at the British Coronation

#coronation #coronet #charlesiii #peerage #nobility At all the previous coronations of British sovereigns, Westminster Abbey has been filled with a sea of crimson robes and gilded coronets, the traditional robes of the British nobility. The nobles were present because they had a political reason to be so. In this video, I talk about who the nobility are, why they have this distinctive clothing, how it originated and what it means. Will we see such a sight again? THE ANTIQUARY MAGAZINE Pop along to the following website if you would like to get hold of a copy of my new monthly magazine ’The Antiquary’ - with lots of interesting articles. You can even arrange a monthly print or digital subscription here. or PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK I produce these videos on a shoestring with old equipment, I do it as I am passionate about the subject, and teaching about these things is part of my vocation and ministry. Do you enjoy my content, would you consider supporting me financially? If you would like to support my channel and become a patron you can do that via Patreon, the Ko-fi platform or Paypal. Any support will be gratefully received and will help me make more content and support me as improve the quality of the content I offer:
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