Альбом Геннадия Ивановича Вишневского / Album of Gennady Ivanovich Vishnevsky.

Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях Альбом Геннадия Ивановича Вишневского. 10-й Гренадерский Малороссийский полк Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs Album of Gennady Ivanovich Vishnevsky. 10th Grenadier Little Russian Regiment. Music Andante and Variations in B major by Anton Arensky The 10th Grenadier Little Russian Field Marshal Count Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky Regiment was an infantry military unit of the Russian Imperial Army . Gennady Ivanovich Vishnevsky was born on the 7th July 1861. His family was from the hereditary nobles of Kostroma province. He attended the Chuguev Infantry Junker School in 1884 he was promoted to Second Lieutenant, becoming a Lieutenant in 1888. By 1899 he was at Headquarters as a Captain, becoming Lieutenant Colonel in 1906.. On January 1, 1909 - he was Lieutenant Colonel of the 10th Grenadier Little Russian Field Marshal Count Rumyantsov-Zadunaysky regiment. Chief of the household unit of the regiment since 1910.
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