The Birth of a Nation - Full Movie - (1915) HD - The Masterpiece of Racist Cinema

Ultimately, the Civil War was about States Rights. In this case, the State’s right to own people and treat them as less than human. Which is why the Confederate flag evokes so much fear for minorities, which were the frequent target of murder (lynching) that was fully permitted by said States. I generally am for “State’s Rights“ as a concept, but crazy ideas like that are not tolerable. The shockwaves emancipation sent through the south left lingering tensions. Like the Nazi film “Triumph of the Will“, D. W. Griffith has created a work of art that ultimately... openly... promotes evil. This film is one of the reasons for the “lazy, criminal rapist black men“ stereotypes that still pervade American popular culture to some degree today. Let’s use this as a learning tool to improve racial harmony. Get to the root of the myth. However, this video is one I am posting in recognition of emancipation day. Upper Canada ended slavery in 1810, this becoming a haven for ru
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