Michael Fremer’s Day 1 Analog Show Coverage | Munich 2023

From Fremer: Day one started with a 7 AM breakfast meeting with Mark Döhmann and his team to catch up and discuss turntable news—his and what had been announced we’d see at the show. Was worth getting up early for. The only show appointments/events I had on my schedule was a panel discussion with engineering great Jim Anderson and his wife and “Tonemeister“ partner Ulrike Schwarz, this time not about his work with Patricia Barber. Instead the discussion was about analog versus digital and I was there as a participant not as a moderator. At High End, these panels are often not well attended because everyone is busy doing business, especially on press days one and two, but we had pretty much a full house and the discussion was lively, informative and a great deal of fun. i think it might have been recorded. Though analog coverage is the main focus, among the most amazing items I saw and heard was the Alieno 250D LTD MK2—a push pull 300B tube amp (not a hybrid) with a claimed output of hundreds of watts per channel! You’ll see that in the video. Enjoy! What Is The Absolute Sound? The Absolute Sound magazine has been a leading publication in high-end audio since 1972. Since the early 2000s, The Absolute Sound has expanded to include web, newsletter, digital magazine, social media, YouTube and Substack platforms. The Absolute Sound platforms have a global audience of over 500,000 audiophiles. For more show reports, expert reviews, features, and commentary subscribe to our newsletter at: Follow us on Facebook: Substack: #hifi #audiophile #theabsolutesound
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