Harry’s Comatose-Harry Potter ♥ Bella Swan

Many thanks to Twilightgurl92 for her help and for creating the picture at the end. Harry and Bella have always loved each other. But as Harry’s life gets more and more difficult, it’s harder for them to be together. Bella appears in Harry’s dreams, and takes away his nightmares. They comfort each when needed, and they really care about each other dearly. When they are finally allowed to be together, they are more in love then ever. LOL! I made a video like this a while ago but it was real crappy, so I thought I would make another. I’m a bit proud by how these one turned out! :) For more Harry Potter videos, check out my channel. Any fellow Harry Potter Fan who would like a new me!!! Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out July 19th, 2009 now!!! LONG LIVE HARRY POTTER!!!
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