Karl Ruprecht Kroenen tribute: Heute Schon Gelebt (Megaherz)
Intended for Dark Datch
YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE- you get the joke. Still working on that tribute, but decided to take some time to dedicate something for my viewers. This is another one of the “intended tributes“ based on the characters requested for my cancelled 300 sub special. Besides, what better way to celebrate October with a representation of the most traumatic period in human history. Karl Ruprecht Kroenen was a real highlight of the film, and while he wasn’t the main villain, he’s arguably the most iconic. There’s something extremely unsettling about him from his movements, to his attire, to the fact that his blood is literal dust. Del Toro clearly understood he had a goldmine in his hands with how he utilized Kroenen, which is why he gets most of the significant kills in the film. Apparently he also appeared in the reboot, but I don’t see anybody talking about him, so I didn’t include that version. Anyways, I’m gonna continue working on the tribute for THAT v
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