Blues Shuffle Guitar Backing Track in E

DON’T KNOW WHAT TO PLAY? *KLICK HERE* It’s a 12 bar Blues with a 2 bar Intro. 145 BPM. Chords are: Intro: E7 | C7 B7#9 | Rest: E7 | | | | A7 | | E7 | E7 C9 B9| | A7| E7| B7#9 :|| In the last Chorus Bar 9 and 10 repeats 3 times and the last bar changes to | F9 E7#9 | You can play different scales. The most popular are: - Minor pentatonic [I-bIII-IV-V-bVII] (dont forget to bend the third a little when you are on the E7) - Major pentatonic [I-II-III-V-VI] (go with the chords) - Mix between maj
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