The sounds of rain are pleasantly soothing. Звуки дождя приятно успокаивают

Imagine you are lying in bed and ready to go to sleep. Suddenly you hear voices outside. You can’t make out the words, but it’s also impossible not to listen. Then the oven starts working. Then you wonder if you’ve turned down the heat. Congratulations, you’re more alert now than when you went to bed. It is in such situations that white noise helps. It functions to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio, reduce the power of random sounds, and prevent sleep interruptions. It masks the perception of disturbing night noises, such as wind, car alarms, and voices. Constant white noise satisfies your brain’s need for stimulation and prevents you from becoming overly aroused by random sounds at night. Представьте, вы лежите в кровати и готовы уснуть. Вдруг вы слышите голоса снаружи. Слов вам не разобрать, но и невозможно не слушать. Затем начинает работать печь. Затем вам становится интересно, убавили ли вы отопление. Поздравляю, теперь вы более бодры, чем когда ложились спать. Именно
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