To Mel Gibson: Bergoglio is an Antipope, but denying post conciliar popes leads to excommunication

“Dies Irae“: this (17 minutes) illustrates the perfection of the canonical dynamic by which Pope Benedict had himself placed in the “totally impeded See“ in order to remain the true pope and thus schism Cardinal Bergoglio from the outset. “Intelligenti pauca“: in the second documentary, (16 minutes), it is shown how Pope Benedict, over the course of nine years of impediment, made us understand the canonical situation with a series of unequivocal messages. “Redde rationem”: in the third documentary (9 minutes) it is shown how the Universi Dominici Gregis was set up exactly to get out of the present :// PER SOSTENERE L’INCHIESTA E LA SUA DIVULGAZIONE SI PUÒ CONTRIBUIRE A QUESTO IBAN: IT75I0303203207010000855640 (“donazione“, conto intestato al sottoscritto) ✍️QUI IL LINK PER FIRMARE LA PETIZIONE iscriviti al canale Telegram:
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