RAGNAROCK FOLK FESTIVAL June 13th 1973 footage Viking psychedelic rock/folk/rock n roll
The first Norwegian music film shows the connection between folk music rhythms and rock rhythms through a concert Sunday June 17th 1973 at the Holmenkollen ski jump
Dette er den første norske filmen musikkfilmen. Ideen bak Ragnarock er blant annet å vise sammenhengen mellom folkemusikkrytmer og rockerytmer. Derfor er det mest Scandinaviske grupper som er med. Konserten foregikk søndag 17 juni 1973 ved Holmenkollbakken
feturing Popol Vuh, Culpeper’s Orchard, Splash, Mungo Jerry, Prudence
Savage Rose, Splash, Pot-Pourri and More
Enlist psychedelic marines, j0inT mental navy ✠
*If the video have ads I don’t put them into it, that’s why I recommend offline listening always OR HAVING THE VINYL, I don’t get anything with this. I hope they were at least ads from the 70s. I don’t know if with yt premium you haven’t any ads
*If some comments disappear sometimes is cause youtube robots who delete them not me, yt also block some of my c