ESO Firesong DLC Preview - Armor Sets and Outfit Styles!
Showcasing the new sets and motifs on PTS for the upcoming Firesong DLC and Update 36
Timestamps below
Craftable Sets 00:11
Chimera’s Rebuke 00:11
Old Growth Brewer 00:16
Claw of the Forest Wraith 00:22
Mythic Items Antiquities 00:27
Faun’s Lark Cladding Chest 00:27
Stormweaver’s Cavort Legs 00:50
Syrabane’s War Waist 01:07
Overland Sets 01:18
Back-Alley Gourmand Set Light Firesong 01:18
Phoenix Moth Theurge Set Medium Firesong 01:45
Firesong Crafting Style (Heavy and Weapons) 01:55
Bastion of the Draoife Set Heavy House Mornard 02:40
House Mornard Crafting Style (Medium, Light and Weapons) 02:53
Saarthal Scholar Style Pages from the Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration 03:53
harbinger of redemtpion midnight rooftop sprint
by TeknoAXE