How to paint a seagull in acrylics - Full tutorial with Mark Waller

How to paint a seagull - impressionist style with Mark Waller. We hope you enjoy this full tutorial showing you how to paint this gorgeous seagull and learn how to create the realism that goes with placing this seagull in shallow water and showing suds receding off into the distance. Materials needed for the whole project: Stretched and pre-painted Canvas - 40cm x 40cm pre-painted with a mixture of Dioxazine Purple White. Atelier Interactive Artists Acrylics: Titanium White Cadmium Yellow Medium Pthalo Blue French Ultramarine Blue Burnt Umber Dioxazine Purple Atelier Free Flow: Cadmium Orange (for blocking in) Brushes: 10 Eastart 1600 Flat 8 Micador 1600 Flat 4 Micador For Artists Roymac 956 - India Another scrappy brush that is somewhere in between the 4 and 8. All these brushes are cheap synthetic brushes and range in price from .50c each to about $6 each. Large water pot Large palette for mixing paint Pal
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