Captain Hook @ Boom Festival 2022 [Full Set Movie]

‼🎵 Subscribe to Captain Hook - A full movie of the whole Captain Hook set @ Boom Festival 2022. At the Boom of 2022 the organizers asked me to perform the closing set of the Alchemy Circle (which turned out to be the official final 4*4 set of the whole festival). I was truly humbled and excited by the request. I worked so hard on my music towards the show, planning everything to be synced with the transition of the day into the night, giving my absolute love and respect to this sacred special time of the festival. I’ve started DJing after the great set Dekel played and everyone was in the right vibe. For me the whole experience was pure bliss. The music, ppl, vibe, sound, stage, weather and the love, so much love was present in the Alchemy during those hours that I felt my heart was about to explode. During the show my friends came on stage and everyone was celebrating together as a community without any ego or masks (literally). All of us were ther
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