Zildjian Cover To Cover - Mark Colenburg plays Radiohead

Moscow Drum Community DRUMROOM #drumroom #drumroomtulskaya #drumroomelektrozavod The Zildjian Cover to Cover series takes some of our top artists and have them cover a song that is unique to what they normally play. In this cover to cover, Mark plays Radiohead “Packed Like Sardines”. Here is Mark’s Set-up: 12“ Spiral Stacker with a 14“ FX Oriental China and a 14“ A Custom EFX 15“ Kerope (top) with a 15“ Special Dry HiHat (bottom) 19“ Prototype 16” K EFX with an 16” Oriental on the bottom 16” Gen 16 Buffed Bronze with a 16” oriental on the bottom 20“ Crash of Doom 21“ K Custom Specia
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