Scans of a 40 year old man revealed he was missing 90% of his brain and still living a normal life.

A 44 year old man from France started experiencing weakness in his leg so he went to the hospital and doctors discovered he was missing 90% of his brain. The man’s skull was full of liquid, with just a thin layer of brain tissue left. The condition is known as hydrocephalus. The man lived a normal life, has a family and works. His IQ was tested at the time of reporting. It was found to be 84, which is slightly below the normal range. The most amazing thing is that the man was totally conscious, even though his brain was just a thin outer layer of actual brain tissue, with the internal part of his brain almost totally eroded away, the biological activity of the brain produces awareness. This case is causing scientists to rethink what it is from a biological perspective that makes us conscious.
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