How To Use VOCODEX by Image-Line | Ghosthack Sound Design Tutorials

In this video, Will shows you around his favourite vocoder of all time - VOCODEX by Image-Line. He will show you some tips and tricks for juicy dubstep growl and dnb neuro basses as well as vocoding vocals. ==================================================== Mentioned Ghosthack Sound libraries Ultimate Vocal Library 2: ›› ==================================================== 0:00 intro 0:23 - Uninformed history lessons with Will ;D 1:13 - What does vocodex do to a sound (e.g. saw wave) - Controling the band distribution - band-width (3:01): Overlap or distance of the bands - band-width multiplier (4:24): Changing the dynamics of the frequencies (contrast between peeks) - modular pitch shift (5:13): Control the formant of a vowel sound 6:29 - Running a vocal through vocodex - Make any sound (e.g. saw wave) sound like it’s speaking using a vocal (Ghosthack Ultimate Vocal Library 2) as a modulator
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