Royal Icing consistency is one of the hardest things to get right when making cookies. Do you use 1 consistency, 2 consistencies, do you outline, do you not? There are so many questions I get around this, so I’ve made this video in hopes to help you all with those questions. There’s always a reason behind what I do and it mostly comes from trial and error or just experience in making thousands and thousands of cookies. I always look for the easiest and quickest way but that will yield the best results for my cookies, because in the end that’s what matters most! With Christmas right around the corner, I wanted to put a little video together with some examples of how I use my icing, and when I use what consistency. If you are looking for some full Christmas tutorials, make sure to look at my playlists where you can find so many detailed step by step tutorials on all your favorite Christmas cookie designs. Here are the tutorials for my cookies & Icing: Royal Icing
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