A SONG FOR AN ABSENT FRIEND - Official playthrough music video

The third single from my forthcoming second solo album ‘Shooting From The Hip’. Available on all major digital platforms. Stream / download the song: Pre-save the album: The album to be released on June 30th will have 10 songs of guitar driven instrumentals from Van Halen - style 80’s rock, “Hillbilly” - chicken pickin’ fireworks to groovy kind of metal and one ballad dedicated to all our absent friends. “This one is for Alexi, but also for all the late friends. And to my Grandpa, who passed away some time ago. This song actually got it’s start after my Grandpa’s passing and I came back to it after Alexi passed away ‘cos I felt that I had to ‘play my feelings out ‘ somehow“. “Alexi and I weren’t the closest friends but every time we met we always had such a great time. Whether it was playing on each of other’s albums, doing guitar clinics or playing occasional live shows or just hanging out. He was one of the most caring, humble and nicest guys I’ve ever met
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