POSE 💃 Official Animated Music Video 🎁 . Surprise!

It’s time to dance your heart out! Royal Bee, Lady Diva, Neonlicious, and Swag are singing the song of the summer! Pose is the perfect song to show off your runway ready looks and model walk! The only question is, are you ready to Pose? Don’t Miss a video BBs!: In a world where babies run everything, little Rockers rebel against nap time and Teacher’s Pets become class presidents! In this world 🌎, all work is play and nothing is dull cuz it’s all a lil’ surprising and outrageous! Keep up with the latest . Surprise! news! Instagram: @lolsurprise Facebook: Tik-Tok: POSE 💃 Official Animated Music Video 🎁 . Surprise! Visit us at #LOLSurprise #CollectLOL #LOLSurpriseToys #LOLSurpriseDolls #CollectOMG #Dolls
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