Verses of the Psalms 135.
Musical Composition: By the Monks of Simonos Petras Monastery (Athos)
Arabic Adaptation: Joseph Yazbeck
Performed by the Mount Lebanon Orthodox Choir and Arkhon Protopsaltis Theodoros Vassilikos
Audio Editing: Fadi Khoury
Video Editing: Van Aznavourian
Photography: Steve Berzghal
We are very proud in this video clip to chant with Arkhon Protopsaltis Theodoros Vassilikos who inspired us in Byzantine Chant since childhood.
يشرفنا جدا في هذا الفيديو كليب ان ترتل الى جانب الارخون بروتوبسالتيس ثاوذوروس فاسيليكوس الذي الهمنا في مجال الترتيل البيزنطي منذ طفولننا.
Special thanks to FadyKhoury for the audio (from SEM) and to SteveBerzghal for the crazy work he did in this video clip visiting all parts of Lebanon from Nakoura (sunset) to Wadi Kanoubin (the mountains) to Karaoun lake in Bekaa Valey to Baskenta for the old house shots... and staying there all nights and days without sleeping to execute these time laps shots. We can say that in this video he made all Lebanon praise the Lord.
4 months ago 00:02:27 1
Psalm 135 - Military Orthodox/Byzantine Music
5 months ago 07:41:28 1
ТАНАХ. Книга восхвалений или Псалмы царя Давида. С иврита - рав Давид Йосифон.