Russia: Ebeko stratovolcano wakes up on east Russian Paramushir Island

Follow us on Telegram: Subscribe to our channel! The stratovolcano Ebeko has woken up on the island of Paramushir in the Big Kuril Ridge, east of Russia, on Sunday. Footage recorded by a local resident shows clouds of steam and ash rising into the air against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains. According to the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team, ash and sulphuretted hydrogen emissions may be a potential hazard to Severo-Kurilsk Airport and local airlines, as well as the Severo-Kurilsk and Ozernovsky localities. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations EMERCOM has not issued any official warnings. Ebeko is located on the Vernadsky Ridge and is considered to be one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril Islands. It is a complex active volcano with several apical craters. The last eruption occurred at the end of last year, with the ash column reaching two kilometres ( mles) in height and the plume fr
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