Truth in the Bible - Revelation 21

There are 12 stones which will be used as the material for the New Jerusalem and everyone of them is anistropic. Look it up for yourself in Revelation 21:19 and Revelation 21:20. If you shine pure light through a slice of a precious stone 2 things can happen, 1: the slice will lose all of its colour and look like coal. Or 2: The slice will change from its present colour, , into all the colours of the rainbow and the most wonderful patterns beyond imiganation. These stones are Anisotropic, The stones that lose their colour are isotropic. In Revelation 21 it is stated that 12 different precious stones will be used to build the New Jerusalem walls, and they are all Anisotropic, they don’t lose their colour... How could anyone have known this at that time?? the truth is: no one could. only God could know.
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