Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on how the network we live in responds to our actions to each other and to nature. To survive and prosper in today’s integral world, we must learn how to become integral ourselves.
We live in a single global-integral system, and it has a specific demand from us.
What is its demand?
It is that we adapt to its global-integral laws.
The system we live in urges us to connect to it in a harmoniously-interdependent manner, like parts of an analog system.
We, on the contrary, act negatively to each other. We prioritize self-benefit over the benefit of others and the whole system.
Such an attitude is destructive.
It leads to a proliferation of exploitation, manipulation, and abuse in our connections, and the depletion of our planet’s resources. In other words, we currently want, think and act oppositely to the laws of the global-integral system we exist in.
Accordingly, we receive myriad negative responses from the system, all kinds