On The Finnish Civil War

A complete analysis of the 1918 Finnish Civil War, where the good guys beat the bad guys, so as a result this war is obscure. But it has much to say that is applicable today. (The written version of this review, in web, PDF, and ebook formats, can be found here: ) This and all Worthy House narrations are offered with accurate closed captions (not auto-generated). “You have likely never heard of the Finnish Civil War. A brief war, in some ways a simple war, it lasted only three months, from late January to late April, 1918, but killed around one percent of the population. It was started by the Left, the Reds, and ended by the rest of Finnish society, the Whites, who crushed the Reds, preserving Finland from the fate of Bolshevik Russia. This war is an object lesson in how even a homogenous, largely united country can quickly end up in civil war when part of the population becomes gripped with Left ideology, and it is also an obje
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