Knights of Shadow - Friesian Horse

(sorry, wrote strenght wrong, I recognize such things always too late! ;-) I made again a montage for the Friesian breed, my absolute favourite!! This time I used Trailer musics, I hope you will like it and enjoy this horse tribute! (Hopefully is my English not too terrible) Music: 1. Groove Addicts: A World Of Dreams ( part of it) 2. Immediate Music: Gothic Power 3. X Ray Dog: City Of Gold (part of it) 4. LOTR Soundtrack The Two Towers: Helm’s Deep (part of it) Movies: Alexander The Great, Black Knight (2001), Sleepy Hollow, Young Black Stallion, Zorro, Ladyhawk, Clash Of The Titans, Friesian the Movie Trailer and 300 I also used some pictures form the Internet
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