Top 20 Most Beautiful Fishes in the World

Explore the astonishing beautiful fishes in the world that exist in deep oceans and rivers. Some of these fish have already came into aquarium hobby where hobbyist are able to create a nearly perfect environment for them. This list includes both freshwater and saltwater fish. A fish becomes unique and beautiful based on the color pattern it has, how it behaves and appears to onlookers. Some of these fish are also very difficult to find and priced higher in aquarium fish trade. Watch the Top 20 Most beautiful fishes in the world list and know some of the eye catching nature’s creation right awa...y in this single video. 0:00 Introduction 0:35 Trigger Fish 1:11 Lined Butterfly Fish 2:00 Snakeskin Discus 2:35 Regal Tang 3:11 Puffer Fish 3:55 Pseudanthias Taeniatus 4:28 Lyretail Anthias 5:02 French Angelfish 5:37 Flame Angelfish 6:15 Dwarf Gourami 6:54 Blueface Angelfish 7:36 Rainbow Parrot Fish 8:13 Lion Fish 8:50 Moorish Idol 9:21 Symphysodon Discus 9:58 Clown Trigger Fish 10:35 Banggai Cardinalfish 11:09 Clown Fish 11:44 Juvenile Emperor Anglfish 12:21 Mandarin Fish Make Crowd Funding Donations Here at Finysel: Check more pets and pet supplies on my website : Merchandise : Like or Share this video, if you like it and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. My Youtube channel : Connect me on Social Networks too Google : Twitter : Socl : Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let’s play and much more. Gaming Channel : All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library. Not Without the Rest by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () Artist: Green Leaves by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () Artist: Forever Believe by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () Artist:
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