How to Knit: Italian Tubular Bind-Off | Brooklyn Tweed

The Italian Tubular Bind-Off is a variation of a “standard” tubular bind-off that allows you to graft your stitches together without separating them onto two needles. It is quite neat and stretchy, and results in a very clean, rounded edge. This bind-off works best with 1x1 ribbing, but if you have 2x2 ribbing you can rearrange your stitches to use this method. This bind-off can be worked after knitting tubular rows or rounds (where every other stitch is slipped); it can also be used without working tubular rows beforehand. As always, follow your pattern’s instructions. In this tutorial we’ll work the bind off straight off the ribbing without any tubular rows. All you’ll need to work this bind off is a tapestry needle. STEPS: This bind off involves four basic movements, or passes, through the stitches. Before beginning, we’ll work two setup passes. To start, break your working yarn leaving a tail about 3 times as long as the width of the piece being bound off. Thread this
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