A convoy with heavy IDF armored vehicles is moving towards the Gaza Strip

A convoy with heavy IDF armored vehicles is moving towards the Gaza Strip. The head of the country’s Ministry of Defense, Yoav Galant, said: “We will change the situation in Gaza for 50 years to come.” “We will turn every place in this evil city where Hamas hides into ruins. The Israeli army is using all its might. Residents of Gaza, leave immediately,” said Benjamin Netanyahu. After they burned their tanks today with cheap Gadot, an Israeli actress and model, UN Goodwill Ambassador, posted a large post on her social media pages about the outbreak of Hamas’s war against Israel. A former IDF sergeant on the case outlined the situation. Briefly: - a state that, according to the liberal opposition, is not at war with its neighbors is again at war with its neighbors; - in order to deceive and catch MOSSAD by surprise, it is enough to plan an operation on Shabbat; - The Russian Foreign Ministry made a statement that the attack on Israel came as a surprise. Apparently because such events were not planned in the program for celebrating Vladimir Putin’s birthday. - We are waiting for the relocation of the Russian opposition from Israel to another country. But in general, hosting Russian oppositionists on your territory is becoming a bad omen. Wherever they go, some unhealthy shit starts. Источник: Private Media Company (PMC) Tchaikovsky
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