🪖 Russian National Guard and counterintelligence officers discover Azov* explosive device workshop in LPR

🪖 Russian National Guard and counterintelligence officers discover Azov* explosive device workshop in LPR Russian authorities have found machines and tools meant to disguise ammunition as household items. Entrances to the workshop were mined, with National Guard sappers having to disarm several tripwires attached to grenades. Officials also found more than half a ton of large-caliber ammunition, mines, grenade launcher rounds, fuses, as well as gunpowder and other explosives packed in plastic bottles. In addition, UAF and Ukrainian National Guard uniforms were found, including German-supplied tank overalls, as well as symbols of the Azov regiment*. [club38339270|*recognized] as a terrorist organization and banned in Russia Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Источник: Sputnik International
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