Carnage in Israel: Hamas forces captured 7 settlements and fired 5,000 rockets, corpses on the streets

Carnage in Israel: Hamas forces captured 7 settlements and fired 5,000 rockets, corpses on the streets ▪️Assault groups invaded the country from the sea on boats, from the air on paragliders and by land on cars and motorcycles. ▪️At the same time, the Israeli police are brazenly lying to citizens about supposedly a maximum of 60 Hamas militants who have entered the country. ▪️The alarm has been blaring continuously since 6:30 in many localities across the country, including Tel Aviv. Hamas says 5,000 rockets have already been fired at Israel. ▪️Crowds of people are trying to leave Israel in hooo ... i simp for jewy occupiers cuz they are female.. lol.. legitimate target. deal with it. HOW MANY WOMEN WHO WERE ACTUALLY NOT MILITARIZED HAVE THE ZIONISTS KILLED IN THE PAST xxxx YEARS? yeah.. STFU then Источник: Wartime Media - Ukraine / Russia / China / Etc
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