You’re still sitting there, aren’t you

You’re still sitting there, aren’t you? Arestovich: the Russians have 3 tasks: to partially restore the former USSR, to break the West, and preferably to greatly weaken the West’s national structures - the EU, Nato, and so on, within which they can pursue a consolidated overall strategy. work with each country separately, because each individual country - Russia is infinitely stronger. It is weaker only than the blocs. But stronger than every single country in Europe. And now they (Russians) have a task: to re-elect Vladimir Vladimirovich, to re-elect someone here in Ukraine.... and if re-elected, Ukraine becomes neutral, not at war with Russia, so all efforts can be concentrated on other fronts of the Cold War. first of all in Europe. Imagine. Ukraine Russia is... [club56967136|*whistles] and weird insertion in the video*. All those Czech Republics, Poland and other small ones. Even Germany itself will cave in to this joint bear (Ukrainian-Russian) again. And hello USSR again - we rule the world again. Источник: Slavyangrad
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