【二米炊烟】Wild Mushrooms 闖進高山森林裡找了7種野生菌,烹飪成美味的蘑菇宴

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). After a heavy rain, various mushrooms grew in the mountains. It took a long time for me to turn around a few hills, finding 7 different kinds of fungus, which including green head fungus, russula, pine fungus, egg fungus, slippery mushroom, broom fungus, yellow silk fungus... After boiling the mushroom oil, I also made a mushroom feast! 一場大雨過後,山里的各種蘑菇就長了出來 花了半天時間,轉了幾個山頭 也找到了7種不同的菌子 都是比較常見的,有青頭菌,紅菇 ,
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