Schwarzhalstaucher is the opening track of my upcoming album “Avichrom“. Swen Jaton and his friends have created a wonderful animation video for this track. A fairytale animal-creature brings on its journey the colour to our birds and shows that diversity is not a theoretical thought construct, but a practical principle of nature for the preservation of life.
Schwarzhalstaucher (Podiceps nigricollis)
Der Lappentaucher mit den leuchtend roten Augen baut häufig Schwimmnester in Kolonien, die er an Wasserpflanzen befestigt. Hier ist er vor wasserscheuen Nesträubern wie etwa Fuchs oder Wildkatze geschützt.
Black-necked Grebe
The grebe with the bright red eyes often builds floating nests in colonies, which it attaches to water plants. Here it is safe from hydrophobic nest predators such as foxes or wildcats.
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Video directed by: Swen Jato