FIM ISDE Italy 2021 | the Best of Day 2 | Extended Highlights

Back to back P1 for Team Italy at the FIM ISDE Italy 2021 on their home soil! The action continued with Day 2 and Team Italy kept holding the top position at the 95th edition of International Six Days Enduro. It was quite a repeat of Day 1 with the standings with just wider margins this time. Team Spain came to finish with P2 and Team USA with P3. Personal best was again scored by Josep Garcia. Andrea Verona of Team Italy finished it with P2 and Mikel Persson of Team Sweeden with P3. Overall Classification After Day 2 ✦ 1 TEAM ITALY / Day 2 - 2:22’ / Overall - 4:49’ 40. 52 30 Andrea VERONA 49’ * 46’ * 31 Davide GUARNERI 50’ 47’ * 32 Thomas OLDRATI 49’ * 47’ 33 Matteo CAVALLO 49’ * 47’ * ✦ 2 TEAM SPAIN / Day 2 - 2:22’ / Overall 4:51’ 02. 70 1’ (Gap 22. 18) 40 Jaume BETRIU 49’ * 47’ * 41 Josep GARCIA 48’ * 46’ * 42 Marc SANS 50’ * 48’ * 43 Cristobal GUERRERO 51’ 49’ ✦ 3 TEAM UNITED STATES / Day 2 - 2:23’ 5
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