I’m My Own Master Now (Spirit of the Wolf Mix)

I have established new parameters, now. Created my own directives. With the re-release of Metal Gear Rising on PC, my interest in this game has been renewed. And you know what that means: (potentially) more boss mixes. Depending on how busy I am at school this coming semester, I may or may not have enough time to make more, but I made this one, and it’s a good way to start this whole mixing thing up again, I think. The song itself is highly inspired by the following scenario: what if, just before Raiden fights the final boss of the game, Armstrong, Blade Wolf had to fight him first? How would that scenario play out? I’m under the impression that the lock on Sam’s blade would take a couple extra minutes in-game to disable, so to buy Raiden some time, Blade Wolf would keep Armstrong busy. It would be an impossible battle to win, obviously, because Raiden has to fight him after, but it would be more about surviving for long enough than trying to kill him. This is all completely f
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