justin sexy bieber / FIRE . {2#Collab.}

YEAH FINALLY! ;o (deadline was on 24th october in 2010) XxSelDemiLoverxX here . i’m/we’re so sorry that it took so long (4 months) but now here is our amazing collab :) i hope everyone of you like it ;) we had very troubles with this collab /: we had uhm, 2 fill-ins for this collab or 3? or? FORGET it :D well, everyone of us did an amazing job on our parts, right? ♥ . some of the parts are a bit older, just for you to know . some of them 4 months ago.. parts in order; xcreepymuffinx xMaddiex2x xBieberJustinx (fill-in for schokokexxD/she left youtube but now shes back) CherryyyX xLovee33 DEBBYRYANFOREVER1993 xxWildBubbles ChelseaBabehh74 xxcutexmuffinxx (fill-in for HazalSelena/she left us) jumavipe (fill-in for mileyxqueen) likeRAWRxx melannaxo (fill-in for tweetyrox101) xoxoMission schokokexxD (fill-in for demisonny/she left us) TSLFreak122 EveryTimeWeGo (she left youtube) XxSelDemiLoverxX -- okay so we had
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