We have been hard at work on the Skyblivion project and recently felt like we should start showing some of this work off to the community.
We are super excited to see all our hard work pay off, more importantly though we are excited to show those who have supported us all this time what it has been for. It is not going to be an easy feat but we are confident that we can make this project happen and we hope you will follow us for the ride.
We still need help with the project though, mostly in the 3D and questing departments but concept artists, CK modders and texture artists are always a welcome sight.
Our exterior world map is finally being worked on with dungeons and interior locations coming up next. Creatures, flora, weapons, armors and 3D assets in general are being implemented and produced and as a result the world is starting to feel alive. The world is now inhabited by wild animals walking about and monsters trying to kill you at every corner.
Quests have also made some great progress though most of work debugging still needs to be done to make everything work as smoothly as possible.
If you are simply a fan of the project and you want to help please share our video where you can, you might just reach someone that will help us finish this monster of a project sooner. There is a LOT left to do.
If you are a journalist please visit this link for screenshots, logo’s and general information about the project:
Thank you for all the love and support ~Your Skyblivion Team
For behind the scenes development streams check out our Twitch channel:
Video production by Pontus Johansson
Voice acting by Daniel Hodge
Music by Markus Zierhofer
Violin by Célia Schann
Sound Design by Henrik Larsson
Skyblivion outro by Kalle Masth
#Skyrim #Oblivion #Skyblivion #ElderSrolls #Bethesda #Modding #Remaster
Special thanks to:
3Amt, Roodley, Ac1Nerdy, Aceeq, Aerisarn, Albertocariati, Ali, Alice Utopia, Amlaith, Anathlyst, AndreDe, Any, Anleus, Ansontan, Benjamin Marsalet, Benzil, BMT, Bonderbait, Borx25, buddlite, cire, ClearanceClarence, ClefJ, Clement, Colton, Damien, Dee Keyes, Default, Dorian, Enrico Camerra, Eric, EternalEyes, Flumpinator, Fredrik Jonasson, Gees, Greavesy, Hannes, Heryakriin, Hieronymus7Z, , Hyphenic, iDamian, India-Lee, lxShadowx, James101, jonnywang, JPRAS, Justin Whitehead, Kettlewitch, Koalafu, Kremenchuk, Kyle, LateRush, Liam, Lindsay Chambers, Léo Machado, Macintyre, Marius S, Markus, Mathy, MikeSmith, Mixu, Mixu, MistValkyr, mmccarthy4, monocleus, Msk, Natterforme, Neopatogen, Nexos, Notwhatnot, Nukem, Olly, oracus0, ossa, rejoolan (Антон), ReltivlyObjectv, Remiros, Rob, RomanDubina, Roy12oy, Shark Hasame, sheson, Shriken, Shumonkey, Smoerkniven, SpectralDragon, Spyros, Stayd, Sythgara, TheLootist, Tomhanch, Twitchingfox, Valdemarr, Vallen, wessleym, Woni, Yazza, YenSL, Yogensia, Zilav, zkh
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