Game Theory: SOLVING POKEMON’S BIGGEST MYSTERY - Where They *Really* Come From...

Go to and use code GRADEA to get a 2-year plan plus 1 additional month with a huge discount. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! Happy 25th Birthady, Pokemon! I have been studying the Pokemon video game franchise for decades right, and have finally found the answer to Pokemon’s greatest unanswered question: Where tf do all those new Pokemon keep popping up from? Who cares about $1,000,000 pokemon cards and Logan Paul, that’s for children; this is a video for SCIENCE! I am now Professor Oak. ► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want • Twitter - • Instagram - • Twitch - • 2nd channel - Summary: Pokemon game theory that will blow your pants off.
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