Duet of A Sumerian Drinking Song

Sheet Music and recording of A Sumerian Drinking Song in The Silver Lyre available here: =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1503001766&sr=8-1&keywords=the silver lyre kilmer More information about The Silver Lyre project can be found here: #/nebel/ The Silver and Gold Lyre Play together! Many thanks to Andy Lowings for sending us this edited version of the original A Sumerian Drinking Song track from The Silver Lyre CD. This version adds to the original recording with the Silver Lyre replica, Anne Kilmer and Lorna Govier in the USA with the Gold Lyre replica, Andy Lowings, Jennifer Sturdy, Mark Harmer, Keith Jobling and Dr. Stef Conner in the UK (with ). Enjoy the duet, from an ancient hymn to the beer goddess Ninkasi, in the Sumerian language. Music by Lorna Govier. The Gold Lyre has a lower voice, the Silver Lyre has a higher voice. Translat
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