Foggy Mountain Breakdown (Exploring up the neck)

I want to show you how your roll in the first position is the same up the neck. The chord shapes are different (inversions) and the melody notes all shift down one string, but your rolls are the same. Roll the same way and concentrate on the key (money) notes. Banjo students learn to play in the open chord area of the first five frets. That is the banjoland they grow up in. They know there are a lot of unexplored areas on up the banjo neck. But these dim worlds are a little mysterious and scary. It’s hard for a beginner/intermediate picker to poke around up there. Maybe they ride a few tabs up there for a quick look around, but it is not a comfortable place to linger. This discussion is meant to help those pickers who are comfortable with FMB in Earl’s tabbed first position and want to learn an UTN break. I will show you how to use your Earl break to make your own UTN FMB break. And you will learn another way to move around and have fun on this new banjo playground.
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